Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Women Speak 11/7/2013

Art is whole lot about passion and showing up for the experience.

I invite you to join me at "Women Speak Encore & More" on Thursday, November 7, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the Multicultural Center Art Gallery and Womens' Center at Ohio University (Baker Center) in Athens, Ohio. I will read a revised version of my essay, Clarity.

The mission of the WOA (Women of Appalachia) events is to showcase the way in which female artists respond to this region as a source of inspiration with the intention that this gathering of artwork and spoken word will prove to be greater than the sum of its parts as visual and verbal themes emerge through the intertwining of the artwork and language. Hopefully, this confluence of ideas and inspirations will empower other regional female artists and the surrounding community so that they might continue the narrative.
Many people have an image of an Appalachian woman, and they look down on her. The Women of Appalachia Project encourages participation from women of diverse backgrounds, ages and experiences to come together, to embrace the stereotype, to show the whole woman; beyond the superficial factors that people use to judge her. 
We believe that all women are capable, courageous, creative and inspired. 
We tell our stories through our art.
Please join us this Fall/Winter for our fifth annual event! We are women of diverse backgrounds, ages and talents, pleased with the opportunity to share our creative spirits, our stories and our music with each other, and with you.
Kari Gunter-Seymour, Founder/Curator 
Woman of Appalachia

Here is the program for the evening of November 7th, I hope to see you there!

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