My world is small. I forgot about the royal wedding! My husband sent an email note from the hospital that he was awake and watching the wedding coverage on TV. He is sure I would like seeing all of the hats and that the kids would like seeing all of the costumes- soldiers, musicians, priests etc. Apparently, I also missed the inane commentary. Horrified that I had actually missed a fashion extravaganza, I searched youtube.com and in my thrill of seeing the dress, the uniforms, and all of those fancy hats, the kids went to bed an hour late. Good thing it is a three day weekend in Japan. The Mule said she had to clean something today, for the Japanese holiday; she washed my car with a bucket of suds.
We visited the hospital and took my husband outside for his first stroll in the great outdoors since his admission. It was a beautiful day with sunshine and a cool breeze off the water. The kids spotted several kinds of jelly fish propulsing about, a small school of fish, and another odd sea life resembling a flower unfolding and folding while rotating. The Moose and Mule thought it was, "the best day ever," but I think they were quoting a movie line and happy that their dad looked better. My husband fell asleep on the park bench while they were looking for sea life. His tolerance for activity is severely limited after five days in a hospital bed. We expect to bring him home tomorrow. I told the kids their job is to be sure every day that Dada gets a walk. The Mule saw right through that suggestion. She said, "That's just so you can be left alone while we take Dada for a walk." I demurely replied, "If that is how it works out."
In 1981 I watched Prince Charles marry Princess Diana. I must have been twelve and already knew we would move to Spain later in that year. My friend lived in military base housing and had a great play ground. That day, we never made it to the play ground. We watched the wedding coverage and danced to records- particularly I remember dancing to the album from
Grease as well as
Saturday Night Fever. I think we did most of the dancing on the bed. I don't dance on the bed anymore.
I ate ice cream out of a container tonight- Hagen Daz chocolate & coffee. I haven't done that for a while. I think my husband being in the hospital is not so much stress as there is little I can do for him, but having no break from the munsters wears me down. It is an eating kind of stress. Stressful times when I perseverate on one thing usually results in me not eating, but being generally weary, I eat to keep the tiredness away. Doesn't work, but it is one of those habits that is hard to break because it comforts me.
The Mule asked me lots of questions about weddings tonight. "Will Dada walk me down the aisle?" she asked. "If you like; it is the custom. Papa walked me down the aisle when I married Dada," I said. "I think you looked more beautiful than her (Kate) in your wedding dress picture," she says as she nods toward the corner (it is leaning against the wall on the floor). "Well, thank you, but I think that is because you know your mama and not her," I say. The Mule is a prolific complementer especially when she is tired. The Moose and the Mule also complimented me on my soft belly. They like laying on it. I remember taking my engagement photos into work; I worked with mostly older women at that time, but one of the ICU nurses who was younger asked, "That's you?" She turned toward me and gazed intently at me for a moment as if seeing me for the first time. I clean up well on occasion, but I am more like Ren, "this is great, I haven't bathed in weeks." I'd prefer to sit around in my fleece undisturbed.
Thanks to a Japanese custom I do not understand, I have been living off of a loaf of nut bread this past week at breakfast. I have been perplexed a few times that when I have given a gift to a new mom, I end up at some point getting a gift back from the mother. This week I had loaf of nut bread thanks to a baby gift. I can't fathom the logic, except that it is very considerate culture. It was nice to have around.
I thought I was finally going to get bored around here. Ha! It never happens. Once upon a time it seemed I had all of the time in the world, but not any more. Just when I think I may have a nice stretch of time with little to do, poof, something happens.

My world is small. I forgot about the royal wedding! My husband sent an email note from the hospital that he was awake and watching the wedding coverage on TV. He is sure I would like seeing all of the hats and that the kids would like seeing all of the costumes- soldiers, musicians, priests etc. Apparently, I also missed the inane commentary. Horrified that I had actually missed a fashion extravaganza, I searched youtube.com and in my thrill of seeing the dress, the uniforms, and all of those fancy hats, the kids went to bed an hour late. Good thing it is a three day weekend in Japan. The Mule said she had to clean something today, for the Japanese holiday; she washed my car with a bucket of suds.
We visited the hospital and took my husband outside for his first stroll in the great outdoors since his admission. It was a beautiful day with sunshine and a cool breeze off the water. The kids spotted several kinds of jelly fish propulsing about, a small school of fish, and another odd sea life resembling a flower unfolding and folding while rotating. The Moose and Mule thought it was, "the best day ever," but I think they were quoting a movie line and happy that their dad looked better. My husband fell asleep on the park bench while they were looking for sea life. His tolerance for activity is severely limited after five days in a hospital bed. We expect to bring him home tomorrow. I told the kids their job is to be sure every day that Dada gets a walk. The Mule saw right through that suggestion. She said, "That's just so you can be left alone while we take Dada for a walk." I demurely replied, "If that is how it works out."
In 1981 I watched Prince Charles marry Princess Diana. I must have been twelve and already knew we would move to Spain later in that year. My friend lived in military base housing and had a great play ground. That day, we never made it to the play ground. We watched the wedding coverage and danced to records- particularly I remember dancing to the album from
Grease as well as
Saturday Night Fever. I think we did most of the dancing on the bed. I don't dance on the bed anymore.
I ate ice cream out of a container tonight- Hagen Daz chocolate & coffee. I haven't done that for a while. I think my husband being in the hospital is not so much stress as there is little I can do for him, but having no break from the munsters wears me down. It is an eating kind of stress. Stressful times when I perseverate on one thing usually results in me not eating, but being generally weary, I eat to keep the tiredness away. Doesn't work, but it is one of those habits that is hard to break because it comforts me.
The Mule asked me lots of questions about weddings tonight. "Will Dada walk me down the aisle?" she asked. "If you like; it is the custom. Papa walked me down the aisle when I married Dada," I said. "I think you looked more beautiful than her (Kate) in your wedding dress picture," she says as she nods toward the corner (it is leaning against the wall on the floor). "Well, thank you, but I think that is because you know your mama and not her," I say. The Mule is a prolific complementer especially when she is tired. The Moose and the Mule also complimented me on my soft belly. They like laying on it. I remember taking my engagement photos into work; I worked with mostly older women at that time, but one of the ICU nurses who was younger asked, "That's you?" She turned toward me and gazed intently at me for a moment as if seeing me for the first time. I clean up well on occasion, but I am more like Ren, "this is great, I haven't bathed in weeks." I'd prefer to sit around in my fleece undisturbed.
Thanks to a Japanese custom I do not understand, I have been living off of a loaf of nut bread this past week at breakfast. I have been perplexed a few times that when I have given a gift to a new mom, I end up at some point getting a gift back from the mother. This week I had loaf of nut bread thanks to a baby gift. I can't fathom the logic, except that it is very considerate culture. It was nice to have around.
I thought I was finally going to get bored around here. Ha! It never happens. Once upon a time it seemed I had all of the time in the world, but not any more. Just when I think I may have a nice stretch of time with little to do, poof, something happens.
Your demure "If that is how it works out" made me giggle.