Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cooking in Athens

Foodies abound in Athens, if only I can ferret them out. I teach cooking classes to keep a finger in the cooking pot of others interested in food.

One of the student's today asked me, "What's your business plan?" I laughed. "This isn't really about business." The students nodded in understanding and encouraged me to continue offering cooking classes. They said they would be back.

Here's the thing about creating experiences. I think when you do things you love, like sharing a food passion, interesting experiences and people find their way to you.

After class I showed off my Japanese pottery to an appreciative local potter and got an invite to tour her pottery studio. Later, I traded my last jar of homemade strawberry jam for one of honey collected by neighborhood bees. As I retire at day's end, I'm glad I helped a few students make an awesome lunch with four kinds of seaweed, three kinds of rice balls, and two kinds of beans as well as began some new connections. 

Life is what you make it (-_^)

Tomorrow the Japanese are coming, thirteen I hear. Surprising in that I invited one! I think they are all homesick for Japanese food. I hope I'm up to the task.

1 comment :

  1. I was a part of this class and TOTALLY enjoyed it! I will be back. Thank you for sharing your talents and experiences!


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