Friday, May 2, 2014

Eating West Virginia

From Athens, Ohio, you have to drive past hillsides dotted with exposed earth, through West Virginia, to get to New York City. 

The first stop, a diner, is reached by a gravel road marked with potholes. The parking lot is full of pickup trucks. The restaurant is full of men. I momentarily fear a food buffet. The menu reveals cheap prices and lots of meat options. At home, I'm the holdout for meat (locally raised), but on the road, I avoid it (factory meat).

My husband orders an omelet with hash browns and whole wheat toast. I order the baked potato with a side of peas. The butter is fake. My husband jokes that my lunch, "looks Irish-- potatoes and mushy peas." Our meal is less than twelve dollars. 

I'm hoping for more interesting culinary adventures in the days ahead.

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